Your Weight May Affect Your Career

Obesity in the Workplace

Your Weight May Affect Your CareerIndividuals struggling with obesity are likely familiar with the physical effects of the condition. Being significantly overweight is associated with a variety of health problems, including type 2 diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, chronic fatigue, heart disease, and chronic pain. These effects on health can seriously decrease one’s quality of life, but obesity also has wider ranging effects. Many obese people do not even realize the impact of their weight on their career, but recent evidence suggests that weight can profoundly affect job performance.

On-the-Job Performance May Be Related to Weight

In the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, a team of researchers at the University of Buffalo, State University of New York, presented findings from a large study of weight in the workplace. They found that obese workers had significantly lower productivity than their normal-weight counterparts. This was true across a number of assessments, including body strength, endurance, discomfort with everyday work tasks, and number of errors made on the job.

Addressing Obesity May Directly Affect Your Career

Overweight and obese workers often experience stigma in the workplace, failing to get promotions or raises at the same rate as their normal-weight coworkers. As a result, losing weight is a direct investment in your career as well as in your physical health. Choosing medical weight loss provides a structured care environment that addresses nutrition, physical activity, metabolic problems, sleep patterns, medications, and chronic medical conditions that contribute to obesity. More than just a fad diet plan, medical programs have helped thousands lose weight and keep it off.

When it comes to weight loss, Dr. Ashish Sitapara can help. Signature Medicine in Newtown, PA, is a premier program for medical weight loss. By assessing your physical health, mental well-being, and workplace performance, Dr. Sitapara will create a personalized treatment plan to help you lose weight and improve your overall quality of life.

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