Preventive Care Starts with a Concierge Doctor

As a provider of concierge medicine in Langhorne, PA, and the surrounding areas, we work around the clock to keep our patients safe and healthy in the long term. One of the ways we do this is by providing preventive care. Today, we’re going to list some of the reasons why a concierge doctor is a much better alternative to a traditional physician when it comes to preventing diseases in the long run.

We Get Personal

If you have concerns about your health, it’s crucial that you have a medical professional who is willing to hear you out. Traditional doctors tend to work in a very cyclic fashion, churning through patients as effectively as they can to keep up with their crammed schedules. With concierge medicine, our staff takes the time to get to know you, your history, and your concerns. We don’t rush through anything, meaning that we have plenty of opportunities to offer proper preventive care that can save your life.

Diabetics Get Better Care with Concierge Medicine

While our most obvious benefit compared to traditional doctor’s offices is that of the personal, no-time-crunch approach to appointments, our team at Signature Medicine goes above and beyond to prevent illnesses and diseases in our patients. Preventative care is the way of the future, particularly for diabetic patients. 

Diabetics get better care with a concierge medicine personalized program as shown in this newest study published in the American Journal of Managed Care. The study found decreased unplanned hospital admissions, emergency room visits, and outpatient expenditures. And it is believed to be because concierge physicians, like Dr. Sitapara, spend more time coaching and monitoring their progress. This also helps them save money while effectively fighting the most expensive chronic disease in the U.S. 

Our other benefits include an annual preventive physical examination as well as preventative health screenings. These services, paired alongside our extensive medical history assessments and speedy referral system to specialists, create a seamless experience that works to help keep you happy and healthy. That’s why Signature Medicine is rated as a Top Doctor by Philly Mag. 

We Are Innovative

While our benefits speak the truth about our outstanding preventive care process, the medical industry’s innovation goes well beyond those pieces of the puzzle. We do a plethora of things in-house, including everything from testing to wellness coaching. Keeping all of these fantastic services under one roof gives you the resources to stay healthy, and for us to help prevent any diseases or illnesses that could potentially cross your path. 

Our methods are not only technologically superior to those of traditional offices; by preventing diseases from the start, we also help to lower your medical costs drastically. Check out the video below to see how we accomplish this financial benefit for our patients.

We Are Signature Medicine

Our system is built for you. By providing concierge medicine in Newtown, PA, and the surrounding areas, we swear by our impressive ability to provide preventive care quickly and efficiently. If you’re interested in our program, don’t hesitate to contact us today to learn more!

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