Developing Better Sleeping Habits

A night of good sleep is a vital part of daily life, allowing you to recharge and start the next day well-rested and energized. However, there is a multitude of ways that you can negatively impact your bedtime without even realizing it. Check out these six tips to help you develop better sleeping habits.

Eat Well

One tip for sleeping better is watching what you eat. In drinks such as tea and coffee, the effects of caffeine can take a long time to subside and will interfere with your sleep. Avoid drinking them in the afternoon, as their influence will wear off if consumed in the morning. Alcohol is another drink you shouldn’t have before bed, as it can impact the brain in ways that inhibit sleep quality.

Another way food can significantly impact your sleep schedule is when you choose to eat it. It’s possible to have difficulty falling asleep if your body is still digesting food, so don’t eat dinner or big meals prior to bedtime. Try having a light snack or drink, such as a cup of herbal tea, to curb any nighttime cravings. Contact a weight loss clinic in Pa for help determining when and what to eat for your diet.

Exercise During the Day

Being physically active during the day can help improve your sleep at night. After becoming tired out after exercise, your body will want to recover, making it more inclined to fall asleep. Regular exercise can also address symptoms of insomnia. However, just like eating, avoid working out close to bedtime; doing so will raise your body temperature and make it difficult to fall asleep. Lighter exercise, like yoga, is safer to do before sleeping.

Don’t Smoke

Something that can be a massive hurdle to sleeping better is smoking. The stimulating effects of nicotine can make it hard to fall asleep and even cause fragmented sleep. Nicotine withdrawal can also disrupt your sleep schedule, as the cravings caused by addiction will keep addicts awake. Even secondhand smoke can create problems, so sleeping in the same home as a smoker can be detrimental.

Prepare Your Bedroom for Rest

Altering your bedroom can also be the key to sleeping better. Use shades and turn off the lights to create a dark environment, as melatonin, a hormone that helps you fall asleep, is not generated easily in bright light. Electronic lights, such as cell phones and laptops, can also contribute to problematic room brightness. Alter the temperature in your bedroom, so it is comfortably cool and eliminates any noise that might interfere with your rest. One way to block out sounds is with earbuds.

Develop a Bedtime Schedule

Establishing a sleep schedule can help you stay asleep. Leaving bed each morning and going to sleep at similar times each day will help reinforce your body’s sleep-wake cycle, so try not to have radically different waking times between weekdays and working days. If you’re having difficulty going to bed at a predetermined time, try allocating extra time before preparing for bedtime. The recommended amount of time adults should set aside for sleep is seven hours, so try incorporating that much into your schedule.

Another aspect of a bedtime schedule you should consider is a pre-bed routine. Establishing a designated routine, such as reading a book, listening to music, or taking a bath, will help you relax and condition your body into knowing that it’s time to go to sleep.

Contact a Doctor

If creating a sleep schedule and preparing for bed does not improve your sleep, you may need to consult a professional for help. The adverse effects of lack of sleep, such as daytime drowsiness, can impact your health and safety. By contacting a doctor, they’ll help you find any underlying conditions that could be contributing to your sleep problems so you can address them.

If you are looking for 24/7 access to a signature doctor for concierge medicine, reach out to Signature Medicine for personalized care.

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