
Why You Should Have a Primary Care Internist

Using a primary care internist is important in helping you stay healthy while also allowing you to receive personal medical care. A concierge doctor is available at all times, as you can often schedule same-day or next-day appointments. Gaining more time with your physician allows you to develop a closer relationship with your doctor to […]

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Here is a quick place to check what Phase you are in when it’s your turn for the COVID-19 Vaccine:

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A Brief Glimpse Into the Historical Benefits of Vaccines on Humanity

Even though history remembers Edward Jenner as the creator of the first vaccine — in which he used cowpox to create immunity against smallpox — the truth is that the practices upon which his method was built have been around much longer than that. As a matter of fact, it is well known that the […]

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Tips for Working Out When it’s Cold

Winter is knocking at our door. The days are getting colder and shorter. There are fewer hours of sunlight, and that is going to affect your daily exercise routine. Winter is the perfect excuse to stay in bed a little longer, but when you’re serious about staying healthy and losing weight, the cold days ahead […]

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Tips for Eating and Drinking Healthy During the Holidays

The holiday season has already started, and with it comes family reunions, lots of fun, and tons of food. Between going from house to house and the seemingly endless availability of food, most of which can be unhealthy, albeit tempting, your normal routine can be knocked off-kilter, which can bring a whole slew of unwanted […]

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