
What Can You Expect With Concierge Medicine?

Since March of 2020, when the pandemic officially started, scheduling medical appointments had become a challenge for many, especially when everything was shut down. Many people could not see their normal primary care physicians in-office unless it was urgent. Based on that, some people were stuck waiting until everything was open again in order to […]

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Proven Weight Loss Program for Seniors and Older Adults

When it comes to feeling good within your own skin, it commonly correlates with your weight and your overall health. If you are experiencing signs and symptoms of diabetes, for instance, you may not be as comfortable as you could be if you were in better health. Certainly nowadays, there are many programs and pills […]

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5 Tips to Avoid Weight Cycling in the New Year

Weight cycling or “yo-yo dieting” is a cycle that results in adding and losing a certain amount of weight repeatedly. Researchers define it as the regain and loss of about 20 pounds three or more times. Weight cycling can have lasting effects on your body’s metabolism and increases the risk of heart disease.

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How Does Alcohol Affect Weight Loss?

Losing weight is often a process, one that involves a healthy diet, exercise, and time. Many people, however, face roadblocks on their way to achieve their fitness goals. For instance, drinking alcohol habitually can prevent someone from losing weight. Alcohol affects the body in numerous ways that can make losing weight difficult.

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How You Can Lose COVID-19 Weight During the New Year

We’ve all had to make some uncomfortable adjustments this year. From social distancing to working remotely, the era of COVID-19 has changed the way we live, work, and socialize. Since being cooped up at home led so many of us to indulge in other things β€” like food β€” the New Year is a great […]

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