Losing Weight through Portion Control

Losing Weight through Portion ControlReaching your weight loss goals can be complicated by your current eating habits. As you make healthy changes, understanding portion control becomes an essential part of reaching personal goals. Many individuals are eating more calories than they realize because of portion sizes. Many of us tend to eat more when we are served a larger portion. Fortunately, it is possible to reduce portion sizes and improve weight loss results without experiencing chronic hunger.

Use Portion Control Utensils

Portion control utensils include bowls with measurements, plates with three compartments and portion control plates. By using such utensils, it is easy for the diner to measure the size of a portion and ensure that the portions are not exceeding an appropriate amount.

When using the plates, place vegetables or fruit in the largest compartment. The smaller compartments are appropriate for grains or for protein sources. Use the measurements on the bowls or glasses to ensure that soups, cereals and similar items are measured in appropriate amounts.

Measure Foods

Although portion control utensils can help, it is possible to avoid overeating by measuring foods into proper portion sizes. For example, if a serving size of a cereal is one cup, then measure one cup of cereal with a measuring cup and pour it into a bowl. Use the same strategy for milk and other liquids.

While meats, fish and tofu can be more complicated, it is possible to estimate an appropriate portion size. Nutrition experts suggest using estimates such as: a 3-ounce serving of meat as roughly the size of a deck of cards and a 3-ounce serving of fish as the size of a checkbook. After measuring portion sizes a few times, it will become easier for diners to estimate a proper portion size.

Slow Down When Eating

A simple way to reduce portion sizes is to eat at a slower pace. Don’t keep eating until your stomach feels full; instead, eat until you feel satisfied. Eating at a slower pace can make it easier to determine when the body you are satisfied. It can take as long as 20 minutes for your stomach to signal your brain that it is full.  Eating slowly helps you recognize that you are satisfied before your stomach is overly distended.

Make Small Changes

Portion sizes can get out of control when you are feeling stressed out, depressed or upset. Instead of eating high-calorie snacks, make a few small changes in eating habits. Opt for low-calorie celery or other vegetables as a snack or go for a walk when feeling stressed, depressed or upset. Such a regimen will help reduce portion sizes and improve weight loss results.

Eating proper portion sizes can be an important part of losing weight. By making a few small changes, such as using portion control plates, it is possible to ensure that the portion size will decrease over time.

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