770 Newtown Yardley Rd., Suite 220a Newtown, PA 18940

Concierge Medicine Helps for DepressionDepression is a serious medical disorder that all too often is misunderstood, overlooked or underdiagnosed. While depression can affect people of all ages and all races, until recently, the vast majority of suicides were restricted to the senior population, many of whom were beset by debilitating illnesses that sapped away their quality of life. Recently, though, suicides have spiked among younger people, especially those in their middle-age years, with the highest rates being recorded among men in their 50s and women in their 60s.

In fact, between 1999 and 2010, the suicide rate among people 35 to 64 years of age spiked by 30 percent, and data from 2010 indicates the number of suicides that year was actually greater than the number of deaths by motor vehicle accidents in that same time period.

One of the most troubling aspects of depression is that its symptoms can vary markedly among people who suffer from it, which can make getting the right treatment problematic. What’s more, because depression affects so many aspects of a person’s health and well-being, a holistic approach is often the best option – and an option that many traditional care providers don’t offer.

Getting the right care based on all your needs

For these reasons, many patients who suffer from depression may find they can benefit from a physician who offers concierge medicine, a patient-centered model of care that addresses the whole patient, not just disparate sets of symptoms.

Concierge care removes the obstacles put in place by big insurance companies, so physicians are able to explore more proactive treatment options for patients, which can be especially critical among men and women who struggle with depression.  Because concierge medicine doctors foster a closer relationship with patients, they are able to respond quickly to early symptoms of depression that might ordinarily be missed.  Patients who have problems are more likely to confide in a concierge doctor than they are a physicians in a traditional treatment model because of the closer relationship that exists.

The holistic services of concierge medicine aims at recognizing and treating the complex symptoms of depression early. To begin with, Dr. Sitapara may educate patients on stress management, nutrition and other health and wellness options that can help them lead a healthier life overall. In some cases anti-depressant medications may be an option or it may be more beneficial for Dr. Sitapara to refer to an appropriate mental health professional to address issues that underlie the depression.

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