Exercise during Medical Weight Loss

Exercise during Medical Weight LossDuring medical weight loss you will be encouraged to adopt and promote long-term lifestyle changes that will be beneficial for your overall wellness. One of these changes will include exercise and physical activity routines.

Benefits of Exercise during Medical Weight Loss

Aside from aiding in weight loss, regular exercise during your medical weight loss program has several benefits, including:

  • Decreasing your chances for developing heart disease and stroke
  • Helping to prevent type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome
  • Helping to prevent osteoporosis
  • Improvement in cognitive function and brain health
  • Improvement in mood and relief of depression and anxiety
  • Improvement in sleep
  • Strengthening of your lungs and muscles

Inactivity and a sedentary lifestyle can severely increase your chances of gaining more weight and put you at risk for developing various chronic illnesses. So it is a good idea to find an exercise routine that works best for you and stick to it. It is the best way to encourage long-term weight loss and management.

Types of Exercise during Medical Weight Loss

The most important part of exercising during medical weight loss is choosing something that fits your lifestyle. You want something that you will be comfortable and motivated to do regularly.

If you are not used to regular physical activity, you may want to try low impact activities to start off with. These are activities that are great because they are easy and don’t put extra pressure or stress on your joints, but they still getting your heart rate going enough for a good workout. Low impact activities include:

  • Walking. Walking can be done at your own pace, in your own time. It is relaxing and doesn’t require any classes, gyms or equipment.
  • Cycling. Like walking, this can be done at your own pace. You can bike with a friend or go for a calming ride wherever you please.
  • Yoga. Yoga offers meditation, cardio and strengthening all at once. You can be at peace and still benefit from a gentle workout.
  • Swimming. Swimming is a fun way to get your heart pumping, and the resistance of the water helps with muscle strengthening.

The best part about low impact activities is that you can up the intensity whenever you feel comfortable. They can all be done as your pace, for your lifestyle.

Of course, you’re not limited to the above activities during medical weight loss. If you feel more comfortable running or taking classes at the gym then go for it. Just make sure you aren’t pushing yourself too much. You want to enjoy your exercises and the benefits you are gaining from them. During medical weight loss, your exercise and new lifestyle habits will leave you feeling happier and healthier.

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