5 Tips to Stick to Your New Year’s Resolution and Lose Weight!

If you’re feeling the aftereffects of those overindulgent holiday dinners, you’re not alone. Becoming healthier is the most common recurring theme of New Year’s resolutions. Unfortunately, most people don’t see their goals through. Therefore, we’ve compiled a list of tips to help keep you on track for your 2020 New Year’s resolution! 

Set SMART Goals

Over 80 percent of people fail to stick to their New Year’s resolutions. Oftentimes, individuals set themselves up for failure from the get-go because they make goals that are too general or too unrealistic to fulfill. The key to sticking to your New Year’s resolution is to create specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based, or SMART, goals. 

Stay Hydrated

An easy way to curb your appetite is to increase your water intake. You already know you should be drinking at least eight glasses of water a day, but did you know that drinking two glasses of water right before a meal will help you cut down on the amount of food you’re eating? What easier way is there to promote weight loss than by amping up your H2O?

Focus on Meal Prep

When you don’t have any food in your fridge, it can be easy to cheat and order takeout. We don’t mind a cheat day (after all, you should be able to indulge in your favorite foods once in a while), but this is a surefire way to fall back into your unhealthy eating habits. The best way to stick to eating healthy is by meal prepping beforehand. Pick one day where you’re free to cook and prepare all your meals for the whole week. This way, you won’t have an excuse not to eat healthy. 

Don’t Skimp on Exercise

Weight loss and exercise go hand-in-hand. They’re also two of the most commonly broken New Year’s resolutions. A lot of people start exercising too hard and too fast, which can make them feel burned out quickly. The key is to start slow and build up. Once it becomes a part of your routine, your body will crave the workout every day.

Practice Emotional & Mental Self-Care

Visit a Medical Weight Loss Clinic

If you’ve been struggling with weight loss your whole life and/or you set goals and fail to meet them because you never see any viable results, the best solution for you might be to visit a medical weight loss clinic. Signature Medicine offers weight loss programs that are tailored to each individual’s needs. All of our patients see great results from their personalized and physician-supervised programs. 

To learn more about medical weight loss and how it can be beneficial to you, contact a member of Dr. Sitapara’s expertly-trained team today! 

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